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tell me the alphabetical letters of rassan language regards
eltaib shaigoog <>
- Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 20:05:04 (MSK)
I want to congratulate you for this magnificent web site. I never tought that someone made a web site about Afghanistan. I am working on a research project about the political and strategic reasons of the soviet intervention in Afghanistan, I would like to recive any kind of information related with the political, geopolitical and National security protocol of the USSR, the information can be web sites, e-mail, books, magazzines, newspapers, etc. Congratulations again BALODIA.
Vladimir RodrÌguez Anichenkov <>
- Thursday, November 23, 2000 at 03:48:51 (MSK)
Hi, Afganey! It-s always nice to find someone who is really interested in history. I think you are overestimating hatred to Russians from Muslims. To prove that you are wrong, I will bring just 3 well-known facts: 1. There are tens of thousands of Muslim students from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, etc., who received their Bachelor-s and Master-s degrees in Russia, they ARE STILL going to Russia to get quality education. 2. If you recall North-South conflict in Yemen in mid-80s, the only building left unharmed in Aden and served as a shelter to ALL FOREIGHN SPECIALISTS in town who were later evacuated from it-s premises, was the SOVIET EMBASSY. All Soviet specialists returned back after the situation was settled. 3. If you follow the development of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, you would see the growth of RUSSIAN influence in peace talks, the fact that pisses off Americans. Stay cool.
- Monday, November 06, 2000 at 20:21:14 (MSK)
Zsdrastvuyte Vladimir, I must say that in all my years of reading about the Russian people I am shocked at the horrors that they have perpetrated on both the Afghan people and the people of Chechnya. While it is no surprise that Russians have harboured a historical hatred of all Asiatic peoples, especially Muslim Asiatics, because of 400 years of Mongol Golden Horde rule over the Russian people, I repeat , I find it shocking for the Russians to have done this because they have been on the receiving end of the brutality from the German people for almost 1000 years, starting from wild Germanic tribes to the Teutonic Knights to finally the devil-infested Nazis of the 20th century. Yet, the very same Russians who so bravely defied the Nazis at Stalingrad turned on the Chechen people at the whim of Stalin, who was a Georgian with an axe to grind. They deported a whole nation to the nether regions of Central Asia for 40 years and then just returned them with no apology. They then invade a simple, peasant nation with ancient matchlocks in their stores, using the full might of the Russian army. You call that war. That is not war. At least in Vietnam, the north knew that America had declared whose side it was on. Here, the Russians enter Afghanistan on some pathetic excuse and proceed to annihilate a whole nation. If it were any lesser nation than the freedom loving Afghans, you would have wiped them off the face of the earth. But even with us, you killed more than 1.5 million(approx.) people and maimed countless others. You set up rape camps in all major urban areas and proceeded to dishonor any woman or child you could find. In the East, you know this is as good as death for a woman. You set up concentration camps and torture centers like at Pul-e-Charkhi in Kabul. You call your selves veterans, but most of you are rapists and sadists. That is why you suffer nightmares and depression. You are guilty of crimes against humanity. And you are repeating the torture you learnt in Afghanistan once again in Chechnya. One day soon, God will send a punishment on you. Perhaps the Germans or the Chinese will invade you and kill millions of your people as well. Then we'll sit down and talk about the 'art' of war. I pray the Russian people get their first lesson very very soon. Amen. Goodbye tovarisch. May justice be done.
Afghaney <>
- Monday, November 06, 2000 at 01:04:00 (MSK)
Drunky russian soldiers and officers who involved in Afghan war! It is clear for every body that agrresion to other countries is a big crime. German Hetler did that kind of cruale aggresion to the world and to your country too. You lost millions of your people. Your people defended from their country and called their defence: Historial defence from motherland. You called Hetler's attack: Agression, Fashism , Nazizm and etc.... Think for a moment what is the differnce between Hetler attck to your country and your's country attack to Afghanistan.? If you are humen being generation, your answer will be: there is no differnces between Russian attack to Afhganistan and Hetler's attack to Russian. DO you have thought that your country dropped the same amont of bombs in Afghanistan as all of the waring fations dropped in world war two. Why you Russains are so crazy that still talking about your shamful action in Afghanistan as patriotic action ? You do not know? Or know but act like donky! I think your nation has excelent skill for not understanding the truth.! Be awear the blood of 1.5 million Afghan martyers will wake up you one day! Continued
- Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 04:57:59 (MSD)
Russians !! Do you know what you did in Afghanistan ? As A Afghan I tell you: Brithish government attaced in Afghanistan 161 years ago, even after more a half century if you call one Afghan How are English (Angraz ,if he or she not kill you at least slap you. We had peaceful country I can say one of the most peaceful country in the world. What happened to our country to cahnged from a peacful country to wartorn country. From heaven to hill ? With a simple reason, because of your stuped and agressive policy. You attcked to a peacful country and killed more than a milliom afghan people, disabled two million, and planted 10 milliom mines which we lose at least ten persons and disable the same number every . What you did ! there is no any proud for your soldiers and officers in Afghan war. It is a big shame for your government , country and history. If you are still sleep, means you are realy north bears ! All of you must apollogise Afghan nation for what you did to this peacful country. end
- Friday, September 29, 2000 at 04:57:05 (MSD)
I hate
- Friday, September 29, 2000 at 04:38:09 (MSD)
My father was in the Afghan war in 1989.I have not seen him since, he left from California when I was four years old. I am now trying to find him, but it has not been very easy. I god bless all of you who have parents out there that you are trying to locate Good Luck!!!!! At least I know he left for a good reason, to fight for his country.I hope that no more wars will happen in Afghanistan!I love you dad and I hope I find you someday! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! MARIANNE BAREKZAIE
Marianne Barekzaie
- Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 22:21:00 (MSD)
this is very cool!
Vitold <>
- Monday, September 18, 2000 at 22:21:41 (MSD)
i love russia.especially for them who had made the country was very big. so,i guess that russian soldiers would to bring back the blaze of the past.why can`t !!!
sukirno <>
- Friday, August 11, 2000 at 15:58:22 (MSD)
I find the stories told on this web-site very interesting and am fascinated in all connected to this savage episode in late twentieth century history.My only contact with Afghan people was recently in my job as Teacher Of English As A Foreign Language. I met young refugees from the Taliban regime.I am no veteran or man who knows war and suffering but I believe that the accounts on this site are of valuable historical significance. As an English teacher I would invite Russian and Afghan contributers to this site to send their articles/ memoirs to me for correction before being posted. Thankyou.
Bruce Downie <>
- Saturday, August 05, 2000 at 02:05:37 (MSD)
A poem my friends, because to endure battle is not the only task. We must learn not to be guilty of survival. We must learn to forgive ourselves for what we have done, and what we left undone. Let all soldiers: russian, afgani, american, and viet find peace. --------------------------- We gather now, warriors all. No more battles, no more to fall. Heroic death? No such thing. Only broken hearts and lonliness sting. In desert highlands and jungles green, we cry and scream at what should not be seen. May my sons no battle to endure. Lord, let all wars cease and teach us, Muslim, Christian and Jew: to know peace.
jay morris <>
- Thursday, August 03, 2000 at 19:27:33 (MSD)
What an honor this sight does to Soviet Afghan War vets. As a U.S. Army vet I am doing research for a book and magazine articles on the Afghan War from the Soviet point of view. I am currently a full time writer. I would be interested in talking to any Afghan vets by e-mail. I am currently looking for information on the SVD Dragunov sniper rifle and the men who used it. I have been working on this project for about a year and any info would be greatly appreciated. I am looking for information from a soldiers point of view on training, deployment, thoughts on the rifle,what it was like over there, anything you've got to say. Thanks
David M. Fortier <>
- Monday, June 19, 2000 at 05:19:58 (MSD)
Privet Vladimir, Kak zhezen? I visit your website quite often, but for some reason I never looked at your Art of War section. Your art work is quite impressive, as are the one done by the other verterans. What was it like after you returned from Afghanistan? If you want to, I would really like to talk more about the Afghanistan war with you through e-mail. Take care, my friend.
Hector Marroquin <>
- Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 12:21:10 (MSD)
Dear friends. I am a Russian immigrant serving in the Unites States Air Force. I believe that to be a soldiers means to have the most honorable proffesion of all. We don't make political decision, we just follow orders and try to do whats right for our country. No matter what the reason for a war is, its not good enough to kill another person. Politicians start wars, not soldiers, but soldiers have to spill their blood. War is one hell of a way to settle differences. When are we going to start talking?
Slava <>
- Friday, June 16, 2000 at 01:49:13 (MSD)
Dear webmaster, were there any women in the in the USSR's army who took part in the Afghan campaign? Wars are not women's business, but in modern times women more and more often play roles in the military service. If women took part in that war too, there must be said something about their role in the conflict too. Do you have any information about that? Thank you. This is a great site.
- Sunday, June 04, 2000 at 07:22:27 (MSD)
Soviet boys who fought in Afghanistan, just did what they were supposed to do. They carried out the orders of their country and they did not turn backs at the danger of death. Whether their government's motives were good or bad, that's for each person to decide for him/herself. But we must remember and give honor to the sons and daughters of the Soviet Union who stayed true to their duty. The good memory of those who have fallen and those who came home will live in our hearts. Thank you for your courage.
- Sunday, June 04, 2000 at 07:12:53 (MSD)
Dear guys, all you who fought in Afghan. I just want to let you know that new generation loves you and respects your heroism. We remember your courage. Wherever you are now, just know that your noble names are remembered and honored. Thank you.
- Sunday, June 04, 2000 at 03:06:14 (MSD)
i was appalled when i heard of the afghani children who picked up toys that contained hidden bombs . as they touched them with thier curious little hands it blew up in their faces. is that humanity?in other cases the innocence of the children was broken as they were packed to russia for indoctrination and and training against their own countrymen when they grew a muslim i will never forget the pain and suffering of my brothers in afghanistan, nor will i ever forgive the russians for their military oppression. had the muhajideen(dushman) not stopped the onslaught and wrecked russian morale the ussr would never have collapsed and russians would have marched on into pakistan repeating the carnage and not boohooing about thier losses today.
asim ahmad <>
- Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 09:36:11 (MSD)
I just want to thank the creators of this website for their work. Soviet heroes who laid their lives and who fought in Afghanistan should never be forgotten. Those who stayed true to their duty and fought for their country will live in our hearts.
Dmitry Yermolayev
- Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 21:29:52 (MSD)
Some day, when there is global sense, all veterans from all wars will be honored. Wars will be fought with words, not lives. Vietnam '69
tom brown <brownlee48>
- Monday, May 22, 2000 at 09:32:10 (MSD)
- Monday, May 08, 2000 at 03:02:13 (MSD)
Salaam to all/Hello, I want to say that please remember that in Afghanistan it was not just a war, it was occupation and oppression of former Soviet Union against a small country. 1,500,000 Afghans died only and only to defend their country and to defend their believes. The only thing helped us to beat the super power of the world was only and only believe in GOOD the good who's prophet is Mohammad (PUH) Peace Be Upon Him. May Good (Allah) bless all of you and those who fight for the value of Human not material.
Nabeelah Shams <>
- Wednesday, June 30, 1999 at 09:47:39 (MSD)
Heres a prayer for ALL soldiers of any side, we don't make policy but we sure pay the price, rest in peace my brothers and to the living I ask you. Be strong for our voices are the best anti war statements there is, teach the children well my brothers. God bless all soldiers. Mike Reyes 101st Airborne US Army
Mike Reyes <>
- Thursday, June 24, 1999 at 23:11:25 (MSD)
God I wish Clinton and his Nato puppets would one time find out how it feels when the bombs are falling on your home city. My heart goes out to people of Serbia whose only wish, in my opinion, is to preserve a piece of their motherland...It's hard headed bastards like Clinton that drag countries in conflicts like Vietnam and Apfganistan...
*********** <***********>
- Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 04:32:00 (MSD)
Hi, Homayun - where are you live now, friend? How old are you?
Vladimir Grigoriev <>
- Saturday, June 12, 1999 at 01:56:16 (MSD)
Salam... My neme is homayun im frome Afghanistan i like to have kantakt wid you plaese if you have time you kan writ to me, i can not to very good Englesh. You cen write mi on dari and pashto, you can write abute your self your brather homayun sahebzai
Homayun Sahebzai <>
- Thursday, June 03, 1999 at 16:24:35 (MSD)
My deepest respect goes out to the brave men in the Soviet Army as well as the Afghan Freedom fighters , these men fought and died for their beliefs and were never endowed the honor which they so righteously deserve. Today , their respective countries have yet to recognize their supreme sacrifices. REST IN PEACE , FOR THE BROTHERHOOD OF ALL SOLDIERS IS ETERNAL AND THERE IS NO PROFESSION MORE HONORABLE THAN OURS. MAY YOU FIND PEACE AND ETERNAL BLISS IN THE ARMS OF GOD.
Walther Stoll <>
- Tuesday, April 13, 1999 at 23:29:44 (MSD)
Shamim,We thank you for your open-hearted letters. I have had long discussions on that issue with people from Afghanistan. A magazine "The Voice of New Generation " in New York published my article. You can start a new era in our relationship. We are not your enemy, please, try to realize it. Do you know how many young afghani veterans committed suicide? My roommate hung himself last year in Kiev. We suffer a lot. But the war is over. We have to live.
Vladimir Grigoriev
- Monday, April 12, 1999 at 16:06:55 (MSD)
I never thought that I would be getting involved in a political discussion here... but it is too good to resist. Bill Clinton bombs who he likes. He claims that there 'is not one expendable american life'. Well, Mr. Clinton, I would just as soon exchange 20 American lives to save a thousand Iraqi lives, of Afghan lives, or Russian lives. His double standards amaze me as well. We cannot tolerate ethnic clensing in Kosovo, but we can in occupied Palestine? We can in Iraq? (which is a direct result of american crimes). I want to know what is Clintons political motive behind these crimes.
Shamim Homayun <>
- Sunday, April 11, 1999 at 06:04:52 (MSD)
We have the corrupt politicians to blame for war. They are the cowards who sit behind desks while sending others' sons and daughters to be slautered. The unfortunate ones who bleed and die are from lower class families who cannot afford the luxury of being from upper class swine who reap the benefits of war. I condemn the scum bag and pig Clinton for trying to start WW3 and interfering in another country's civil war.
James Devereaux <>
- Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 16:00:49 (MSD)
My Good Friends and Fellow Warriors, As in all wars, the soldiers do the bleeding,dying,suffer the pain, take the criticism and blame; while the politicians enjoy the safety and comfort of home. I now call politicians in the U. S. "COWARDS WHO HIDE BEHIND DESKS IN WASHINGTON AND SEND WOMEN INTO WAR." I SALUTE THE NOBLE AND HONORABLE SOVIET VETERANS. DON HOLLAND NCCM USN RET USASMA CLASS 19
- Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 15:30:50 (MSD)
Dear Al, Thank you for your interest in our web site and for the link ! I am very impressed by the stories , pictures, cooperation in collecting materials and by the entire Vietnam Veterans Webring in general. I will be a frequent visitor of it because I think we can learn a lot and benefit a lot from your experience . We are definitely far away from your level , but we have the same goal -"No more wars" ! We would appreciate any comments, questions, letters,= more links from you and your friends.
Vladimir Grigoriev <>
- Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 07:35:42 (MSD)
Hi me again -- speaking but may be not saying much-- I am told the only way to get rid of the pain of losing freinds is to talk the the persons that were on the other side to try to get the understanding of each others pain I guess this is where I start Korea, Cold war and vietnam
Ted <>
- Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 14:27:57 (MSD)
Salam,Rukhsana! one of the things we are truing to do on our web site is to teach people about the devastating character of any war or invasion- devastating for both sides. Thank you for your note and if you like to send us anything to exhibit- we would be very pleased. Regards.
Vladimir Grigoriev <>
- Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 13:38:35 (MSD)
Dear American friend (Cpl Pro), Sorry for the delay with the reply. It took me a while to digest the power of your letter. We are working right now on a big "healing" project-creation of the psychiatrical rehab center for the veterans. We would love to hear from you as a professional on this topic. Thanks for your letter and God bless..
Vladimir Grigoriev <>
- Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 13:37:41 (MSD)
Dear Shamim and Walleed, We are very pleased you wrote back. We do feel bad for what happened to you, your cousin and your entire family. We were 18-20 years old then but, believe, we are still paying for that in our own nightmares. We would be very graceful to you if you decide to provide us with any type of materials you consider valuable to present to our visitors( pictures, stories etc. )A lot of Russians speak English or we will translate them. Hope to hear from you soon,
Vladimir Grigoriev <>
- Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 13:36:29 (MSD)
Thankyou, and please forgive me if I have sounded hostile towards you. I was reading a book once entitled: "Afghanstan: Soviet Vietnam." As I was looking through it, I did feel pain for the teenage Russian soldiers that were forced into the war. But I kept asking the question, what about us? Our people never asked for it. And it was the entire Afghanistan, the women, children, old men etc.. that had to pay for it. You are a very good artist Vladimir, I also like art. Let me send to you the URL where you can see my art soon. Wa salam.
Shamim Homayun <>
- Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 02:02:00 (MSD)
Shamim, we feel there is a certain misunderstanding between us. We did not create this site to glorify the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. We are trying to tell stories about the simple people who paid in their own blood for the ambitions of their government. We don't see any offensive for the people of Afghanistan materials in the documents we exhibit here. We are trying to put more and more stuff in English due to the growing interest from all over the world . Hopefully that will help. Thanks for your visit, Sincerely. Vladimir. P.S. We are considering the opening of the so called "political round table " soon= , we will definitely inform you about this event. And again-we would love to hear from you and thank you for visiting our web site and the interest shown. We respect your feelings and would love to prove it in more than couple of phrases.
Vladimir Grigoriev <>
- Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 01:15:49 (MSD)
Dear Vladimir, please do not blame Walleed, he is not wrong. We all know what he feels, and please visit my guestbook entry on the other site. I too have dreams about Afghanistan, but mine are not as pleasent as yours. I have nightmares about choas often, about heat and blackness, about screaming and gunshots, about bombs exploding. I cannot send you a story about my experiences in the war, I was very young. I can send you stories of what has been told to me though, and about my family if you wish. If you want me too, then please send me an e-mail. I am also in the process of creating a web site for the Afghan Mujahideen that fought in the war. My intention is not to create any more hostility between Russians/Afghans, but to make OUR side understood as well. Jaza Kallah, Shamim Homayun
Shamim Homayun <>
- Wednesday, April 07, 1999 at 04:50:41 (MSD)
Friend... I thought I would never say so to a Russian then Life does change us at times for the better... So again I say... Friend..... Keep doing your work and remid the rest of us what a "savage animal " We man kind can be..... It would be so wonderful to walk from one end of the planet to another and be able to call every one FRIEND...? I beleive that we all need to be swamped with information as to the terrors of War..... Love is such a wonderful thing and it is placed so naturally in the human heart that it really pains me to see how readly we can overcome that inborned love to imediatly kill and harm our fellow human beings...... I know I used to be a " Professional Killer " a US Marine Still proud ...yet I have changed..... Now I'm a "Professional healer" or a Registered Nurse..... Proof that we can overcome the animal in us all and use the same hands to Kill and maim or to heal and sooth the pain away...... May we all learn the Art of Loving and may God have Mercy on the soul..!! of all those warriors that regardless of ...political affiliation or religious beleif... have taken a Human life in haste and under false bleif's...... May Peace be with you and with every one that reads this pages or that should have the opportunity to do so once all the walls and barriers that we come up in order to stop the Love that naturally flows from our very being...... In Human brotherhood. Cpl Pro USMC / R.N
Cpl Pro <>
- Wednesday, April 07, 1999 at 04:23:22 (MSD)
Valdimir! Wonderful sketches! Your effort to honor the memory of those who served is commendable. Keep up the good work. We must, as brother soldiers, let the world know that wars are fought by living, breathing individuals with hopes, dreams and desires, whose lives are forever changed, and, too often, cut short because of them. If our site is not yet linked with yours, it shall be soon.
Joe Hertel, Viet Nam War Museum, Chicago <>
- Monday, March 22, 1999 at 23:06:21 (MSK)
Hi! Interesting website. But actually I am looking for handicraft made out of nothing (bullets, ...whatever..) during wartime, for a possible exhibition in France. Anyone could help? Cheers!
Patrick Daru <>
- Tuesday, March 09, 1999 at 21:03:29 (MSK)
salam.. i haven't had time to view your entire web..but im not sure what its purpose is...i hope we are not trying to take sides here because Russia destroyed us Afghans...I have lost a lot of family members.....i think we were the victims in that war because we were so unprepared and unaware of it...although i have nothing against russians..i do blame them for what happened to afghanistan..and what is still happening to it.. w'salam..
Rukhsana <>
- Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 09:03:51 (MSK)
For Mr.Lukowsky: General Boris Gromov.
Vladimir Grigoriev <>
- Saturday, February 13, 1999 at 16:01:36 (MSK)
Interesting. I can relate to what is written on the page! Hang in their.
Marcus Duvenhage <>
- Saturday, February 13, 1999 at 10:15:57 (MSK)
What was the quote of the commanding Soviet general when leaving Afghanistan? (Was it, "Never look back?") Who was the general? THANKS
Lukowski <>
- Friday, February 12, 1999 at 20:37:06 (MSK)
Our web site is too long for the space allowed. Please look at the site anyway, it will be well worth your time.
Al <>
- Thursday, February 04, 1999 at 23:15:12 (MSK)
As a Veteran of Vietnam, I understand your pain and anguish. You should be proud of this web site, a tribute to those who fought in Afghanistan. Let us, the Veterans, vow to make war no more. Let us live in peace.
Al <>
- Thursday, February 04, 1999 at 23:09:06 (MSK)
Do you mean The Dust story? Yes, it was the war. Dirty and horrible as all wars in the world. And each side had its own thrue. The soldier, who wrote this story, isn't proud of that episode - he mourns for it. If it was not my oppinion - you couldn't read this stories, I didn't make this site in this case. I am very sorry about your parents...
Vladimir Grigoriev <>
- Wednesday, February 03, 1999 at 03:11:30 (MSK)
i lost my parents becuase of the war in afghanistan . One thing I was wondering was what russians did with enemy when they captured themin afghanistan.
- Wednesday, February 03, 1999 at 02:41:43 (MSK)
russians cool
- Wednesday, February 03, 1999 at 02:37:19 (MSK)
Tim Flanagan <>
- Tuesday, February 02, 1999 at 04:35:46 (MSK)
What facts do you mean, Jordan? Say it, please.
Vladimir Grogoriev <>
- Monday, February 01, 1999 at 16:07:08 (MSK)
I was doing a project for school, this web site was helpful but lacked some facts!
Jordan Smith
- Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 01:27:42 (MSK)
For Walleed: The average soldier who is 18-20 doesn't know where hi is right or wrong. He must perform his duty and come back alive. I would like to visit Afghanistan once more, as a tourist for example. But when will it be possible? I had a few Afghan friends in Bagram. I like the great nature of your country. I often see it in my dreams. "I have nothing any enimity to Russian people." Thank you for this words. "In this Web site it is mostly written the whole thing in one side." Sure, Waleed. But when you will send your story - it will be the second side here. There is the place for your and your friends' stories and pictures here too. Lets try it?
Vladimir Grigoriev <>
- Saturday, January 23, 1999 at 00:10:02 (MSK)
A Mujahid afghan <>
- Friday, January 22, 1999 at 21:26:20 (MSK)
I lost an uncle and a cousin in vietnam. Always honor the war dead ,for no matter the politics of the time ,they fought for the country.
jeremy <>
- Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at 21:47:18 (MSK)
Forgive my lack of Russian.It is heartening to see stories such as Americas veitnam experiance come from Russian vets.A soldiers lot is a hard one irregardless of whom you fought and died for.As having 12 years of military experiance (active duty and reserve time combined) my heart goes out to any such stories as I have read hear.I have many friends that are veterans of the vietnam conflict and all have expressed the horror of ambush and being surrounded,and even surviving being over run by a whorde of enemy.Keep alive the memory of the fallen irregardless of the past politics.Bill.
bill <>
- Saturday, December 19, 1998 at 17:24:04 (MSK)